Monday, December 19, 2011

My Christmas present...

Lots of things have happened at our house since the last time I wrote in my Journal... some things "good", some things "not-so-good". But Miss Barb says that everything will be okay if we just have faith, and I believe her.

It's so hard for me to understand why anyone would want a tree in the living room, but it does look pretty with all the decorations and lights! I think I need to have a talk with Miss Barb though, because she insists on putting it right in front of the big window and I have a hard time seeing outside! Oh well, it's Christmas time, so I should be more patient!

Did you see that I'm wearing my new Christmas present? It's the cute little red and white 911 Pet Safe tag on my collar, so that if I get lost, my rescuer will know where I live and who to call. It even tells what I like to eat, lists my allergies and medications and offers a reward for my safe return... just by pulling the gadget apart and putting the flash drive part of it into any computer USB port! How awesome is that? For a young pup, I sound pretty techie, don't I?

I'm sure if you ask Miss Barb, she would be glad to tell you how to get one of these for your pet too.

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year!
Hugs and Kisses

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Where did the Summer go?

Miss Barb had a busy Summer and didn't have much time for me. It sure does make me sad that we didn't get a chance to run and play together.

Shhhh... don't tell her, but sometimes when she wasn't looking, I took off all by myself and ran through the woods! I was pooped out when I got back, but I don't even think she noticed!

So now... I'll just rest under this Maple tree, sniff the Fall leaves and watch Miss Barb while she pulls the weeds in her flower garden.

Holy cow!!! That weed wagon sure is full! I bet she's pooped out too!

Have a Happy Fall, ya'll ~ love and kisses,

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Back to the Vet

I had a pretty ruff day yesterday!

Miss Barb took me to the Animal Hospital so my Vet, Dr. "H", could take out the stitches she put in when she cut out the porcupine quills from me last week. I didn't even whimper when she removed them. But then she found two more under my skin and I could tell by the conversation she was having with Miss Barb, that this ordeal wasn't over yet!

Luckily, I didn't have to stay over night this time, but I sure didn't feel very good by the time I could go home. I went right to my crate and slept for hours.

I like to make new friends, but porcupines aren't very friendly fellas, so I hope I never meet up with one again. Miss Barb and Mr. Earl hope I've learned my lesson too!

Maybe I'll just try to make friends with that black and white kitty that has been hanging around...

Hope you have a tail-waggn' day. Love and kisses,

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Helping Miss Barb

Boy, it sure seems nice to have the sun shining today! Miss Barb has been anxious to work in her flower beds and I wanted to help.


When she pulls all the dead leaves and other stuff away from the new little plants, she's going to find out that I've been pooping in her flower bed all winter long. I wish I could tell her that all of that poop isn't mine! My friend Hunter did his share whenever he came to visit! Maybe she'll figure it out because his poop is much bigger than my poop because he's a much bigger dog than I am. Do you think she'll know?

Lucky for me, she wasn't even mad... she just said that it made the new plants grow that much better! I guess she's right because the leaves on this Dew Plant look really, really healthy. I'm so happy that she understands me.

But, I think she was just a tad miffed when I stole her glove when she wasn't looking. I can't believe she thought I'd be dumb enough to take it back to her!

Hope everyone has a sunny, fun filled summer. Slobbery kisses from

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's my Birthday!

I can't believe that I'm one year old already! Where did the time go? I'm glad that Miss Barb and Mr. Earl wanted me to come live with them. They have taught me lots of neat things during this past year.

But,sometimes they have to remind me to act like a lady... like not jumping on visitors, or putting my chin on the table, or sneaking pencils off Miss Barb's table and chewing them into little pieces, or spilling my water bowl on the kithen floor, or eating unknown items that I find laying around outside. Silly stuff like that!

Miss Barb has to go away in the morning, but when she gets home, we're going to have a celebration. I love ice cream and cake!

Happy, Happy birthday to me...