Monday, December 19, 2011

My Christmas present...

Lots of things have happened at our house since the last time I wrote in my Journal... some things "good", some things "not-so-good". But Miss Barb says that everything will be okay if we just have faith, and I believe her.

It's so hard for me to understand why anyone would want a tree in the living room, but it does look pretty with all the decorations and lights! I think I need to have a talk with Miss Barb though, because she insists on putting it right in front of the big window and I have a hard time seeing outside! Oh well, it's Christmas time, so I should be more patient!

Did you see that I'm wearing my new Christmas present? It's the cute little red and white 911 Pet Safe tag on my collar, so that if I get lost, my rescuer will know where I live and who to call. It even tells what I like to eat, lists my allergies and medications and offers a reward for my safe return... just by pulling the gadget apart and putting the flash drive part of it into any computer USB port! How awesome is that? For a young pup, I sound pretty techie, don't I?

I'm sure if you ask Miss Barb, she would be glad to tell you how to get one of these for your pet too.

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year!
Hugs and Kisses

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