Thursday, July 22, 2010

What's in a Name?

Hi Friends,

I'm really excited about making my first post today.

(Can't you tell by my picture?!!).

It's hard to believe that Miss Barb set up this nice page for me so I can tell all about my life growing up in the mountains of Pennsylvania. She's a peach!

So I'm going to begin by telling you the story behind my name. You might not believe it, but, trust me, it's the truth. Yelp... it's my story and I'm stick'n to it!

It's unusual that a breeder names the puppies in a litter, but mine did and I became known as NINA. Miss Barb and Mr. Earl tried really hard to get used to calling me Nina, but it was difficult. The name just didn't seem to fit.

They tossed quite a few names around before Mr. Earl settled on NELLIE.

Oh, wait... I'm getting ahead of my story...

Back to NINA: Miss Barb thought that maybe if she added an "A" and spelled Nina with two "e's" instead of an "i", making it ANEENA, she would be able to accept the name better because she thought it sounded classy. Hey, I can't figure out what goes on in that blonde head of hers!

Still with me? Okay.

Then it came time to register my name with AKC: My first name was to reflect where I came from. We're talking Pennsylvania here and that didn't seem to set sparks with these two either... anymore than NINA did!. Yikes! Another lengthy discussion! (Sure glad I was able to sleep through most of it.)

They finally settled on PENNSWOOD. I'm sure you know that Pennsylvania was named for William Penn.

Middle name: You guessed it... ANEENA!

My last name is really easy to explain: It's BELLE... after Miss Barb's and Mr. Earl's Boxer who lived here before me. I've heard some pretty wonderful things about her so I'm honored that I have been given her name. Carolina Dixie Belle will always hold a very special place in the hearts of all who knew her. I guess you might say that I have some mighty big paws to fill!

So, there you have it. My AKC Registered name is Pennswood Aneena Belle and they call me Nellie. Go figure!

I heard a rumor that leash training is next, so I bet I'll have lots to tell you in my next post! I hope Miss Barb learns quick!

Slobbery, puppy kisses,

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